Terrestrial Tribulus has long been used to help improve sexual quality. In Turkey also recommended to overcome the blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels of the body. In Europe that is often used for patients with dizziness, constipation and sexual dysfunction. Tribulus terrestrial (XZatiron) containing saponin group (protodioscin, furostanol), glycosides, flavonoids, resin, tannins, sterols and essential oils.Tribulus Raw Power TM is an all natural product that is extracted from the plant Tribulus Terrestris L. It is a natural herbal product that is non-hormonal and is effective in the natural stimulation of testosterone and LH levels by stimulating the body's natural production process. It is widely used by both professional and recreational athletes to increase muscle mass, body strength, and torn muscle tissue repair that occurs after exercise. Tribulus Raw Power also helps with sexual performance for both many men. For many men, it will help increase sexual stamina, erections, and duration, sperm count (spermatozoa), sperm mobility, and viability. This product name is trademark protected. Resale of this product is prohibited.
Tribulus Raw Power Features
- Increases body's natural production of Testosterone & LH levels
- All natural, Highly Potent/concentrated 1000mg per 1 day, 1 tablet serving, (2 bottles of 100 caps each)
- 200,000 mg Increases sexual performance, libido, erections, and stamina, vitality, and vigor
- Increases muscle mass and faster recuperation of muscle tissue growth and recovery after exercise
- Great for muscle volumizer and muscle damage recovery from exercise
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